As of this week, families in Idaho can apply for federal grants to assist with at-home learning. These grants are intended to help families cover the cost of materials for remote learning.
If your family has spent money on the transition to online learning, you can seek reimbursements or grants to help cover the costs.
I understand that the transition to online and at-home learning this spring was incredibly difficult and my heart goes out to the many parents throughout our community. The patience you have all brought to learning at home has been inspiring! It’s no small task to facilitate learning at home and it is my hope that access to these grants help to ease the burden.
The Strong Families, Strong Students website went live on Wednesday, October 21st, and includes the application and more information about the program. Grants can cover costs such as devices, connectivity, and other necessary materials, and applications will close December 8th.
Each student is eligible for up to $1,500 with a family cap at $3,500. If you have incurred financial strain as a result of COVID-19, be sure to apply as soon as possible!
I hope these grants provide assistance as we all continue to adapt to new learning environments, and, as always, don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance!